Friday, March 8, 2013

A Groovy Kind of Love

It's a good day I say!  My honey just sent me a sweet text (yes he will kill me for saying so).  It was one of those out of the blue, kind of sweet, romantic thoughts - a stretch for someone who gave me a camping tent for our first Christmas together.  And tire traction aids for our second Christmas together.  Like these...Tire Traction

Yup.  Let it sink in.  I didn't even know what they were.  And wasn't entirely sure I was not being punked, but I was not.

Many years, and many Christmases and birthdays later, he has improved in his gift giving.  His motto now, is that for every practical gift he gives me, he has to give a piece of jewellery.  Not a bad motto I say.  And I didn't even give it to him.

(**And to be clear, I don't consider myself a high maintenance girl when it comes to gifts - I am more than happy with a book, some bath stuff or a nice travel mug...just not car parts)

So anyway, his sweet text today reminded me of something he did last week that touched my heart.  I woke up, bleary eyed and dopey, got Little Miss some milk, and as I poured my coffee, I saw this next to the coffee maker...


And then as I got Little Miss's breakfast together, my heart melted when I saw her holding her very own note from Daddy

We love that guy to the moon and back!

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