Although she looks very happy here, I can tell you that that tutu stayed on for precisely 3.5 minutes and she spent the rest of the afternoon in her onesie. A prima ballerina she is not!
Here is my second attempt at a fondant cake - it's definitely not perfect but I was pretty darn pleased with it and it tasted AMAZING! The top layer was cherry chip and the bottom layer was chocolate. The icing was homemade marshmallow fondant over top of homemade buttercream icing...not calories there!
My darling girl got her very own buttercream/cheery chip cake to do with as she pleased.
She started tentatively...
And then said "What the heck..."
Nom Nom Nom
It was a great day. We had lots of laughs, Jillian didn't vomit (after all that icing I thought it was a distinct possibility) and she got to open some wonderful gifts. (Okay I opened them - it's very awkward opeing a whole pile of gifts that aren't yours when the recipient has no interest in them at all...just sayin.)
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