Thursday, November 24, 2011

Shhhh....The Holidays Are Coming!

First of all, to all of my US friends

I hope it's a wonderful day and weekend with family, friends, good food and good times.

Now, seeing as I am in Canada, I normally would just go to work and do my thing and know nothing about the US holiday, Black Friday or...Cyber Monday, buuuuuut the internet and media have ensured that not only do I know more about them, I can partake!  Yep, right here in Canada we now have Black Friday sales...some pretty good ones too.  Do I think it's a bit ridonkulous to adopt a US shopping day for no reason at all...well, yeah I do.  That said, if I can find cheaper items for my Christmas list, why the heck not?!?

The hubster and I both dislike crowds.  The last music concert we went to was Blue Rodeo about a decade or so ago!  We stay away from Walmart on a Saturday afternoon if we can at all avoid it because the insanity is too much!  To get Christmas shopping done and avoid crowds is a lofty goal, so we started something about 5 years ago that works for us and provides some 'us' time too.  We book off 2 days in November, make a giant list, map out our stops and do all of our shopping in 2 days.  Yep - it's insane and tiring but the feeling of getting home on day 2 and dropping everything and knowing that we are 99% done (we always forget something small!) is incredible!

Today and tomorrow are those days for us.  We made our list last night and are aiming to hit 6 stores and a mall today in the east end of the city.  Tomorrow, we head west to another mall, 2 more stores and anything we missed in between.  We think we know what we are getting each person and that's the hard part so cross your finger for us that all we have to do is find the specific items and hand over our money!

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