Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Traditions

I started my post last week meaning to get into some of the traditions we have, and got writing about memories instead...

We have a few traditions around our home...

On Christmas eve, we all get a gift to open, which is a new pair of jammies.  We then go and put them on, and get ready to watch a Christmas movie.  the last few years it has been Elf, because we all like it.  This year, Little Miss may want to watch Franklin's christmas...gulp!

For dinner on Christmas Eve, we make a meal of hot appetizers.  This could be a variety of things like tiny pizzas on mini bagels, spring rolls, garlic bread, veggies and dip, meatballs, chicken wings.  Basically it's whatever we feel like.  We eat in front of the TV in the living room watching our movie.  We light a fire and turn on the Christmas lights.  Later we have hot chocolate.  Little Miss got a new book - The Night Before Christmas - when she was a baby, so we read that as well before we turn in early.

On Christmas morning, hubby and I make a coffee, and my kido gets a hot chocolate before we open our stockings.  Everything in the stocking is wrapped by Santa - which makes it much more fun!

After we open gifts, there is a game.  Somewhere on our tree is a hidden pickle ornament.  You can't touch the tree or ornaments, but must find the pickle.  Whoever finds the pickle gets an extra present.  (My mom started that tradition and it carries on).

As we get into the most fun years with Little Miss, I can't wait to see her experience our Christmases and to see them through her eyes.

I plan to post a few pics - but we lost our battery charger for our camera.  Soooo, it's been a zoo trying to either find or buy a charger, then we lost the new charger in the bags of presents...finally found it and batteries are charging.  Will upload today!

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