Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Weigh In Wednesday

I am happy to announce that I have hit a milestone.  Since I started actively trying to lose weight I have now lost...

10 pounds!!!!

10 lbs is a nice round number which is no longer nice and round on my butt.  If you prefer visuals I lost one of these:

Cute little 10 lb doggie!

Or better yet, I lost this much

Or an entire bag of this:

Yep...feeling pretty good!  I am feeling better knowing that this week my motivation has taken a hit, and I really haven't worked out much, but I still lost weight.  That's awesome! 

In order to help with the motivation, I will likely look at getting a new workout together...I still love the shred, but think I'm getting a bit tired of it and really need a change.  With Easter being this weekend, and two yummy Easter dinners on top of all of the chocolate that will be in our house, I suspect it may not be a great week, but I gotta live!  I'm just gonna keep plugging along and keep doing what I'm doing.  I know I can do this.

1 comment:

therealhousewifeofoxfordcounty said...

way to go girl.. I can't wait to be able to say that :( Your doing awesome!!